About The MINES Group
Some Company Background
While many companies work from the outside in, taking orders and producing products and services, The MINES Group works from the inside out—like MINES, we dig deep, and like the industry we serve, our “Multinational Integrated Network of Engineers and Scientists” (MINES) provides a broad range of quality services to the mining industry.

Kenneth (Ken) L. Myers, PE
Geological Engineer

Anthony (Tony) E.W. Crews, PE Civil/Geotechnical Engineer
The MINES Group, Inc. also has more than ten highly qualified and experienced associates who participate on projects on an as-needed basis. Most members of the group have at least a couple of decades of professional experience in the industry, and we have all worked together extensively to meet the design and consulting needs required by our clients—both in foreign and domestic locations.

Tim Dyhr Practice Leader - Mining Environmental and Community
Clyde Peppin
Mining Engineer
Bob Pease
Professional Geologist
Matt Dusenbury
Environmental Scientist/Permitting Specialist
David Vatterodt
Mine Planner
Paul Axelrod
Civil/Geotechnical Engineer
Phil Brown
Groundwater Hydrologist
Acid rock drainage (ARD) mitigation design
Diversion design
Heap leach pad design
Landslide analysis and mitigation
Mine reclamation planning and design
Open pit stability analysis and design
Sediment transport studies and moveable boundary hydraulics
Sediment yield studies (RUSLE)
Solution pond design
Stability analysis
Stream restoration analysis and design
Surface hydrology studies
Tailings dam design