The MINES Group
We are a multidisciplinary geoenvironmental consulting and engineering design group that provides a broad range of high-quality and responsive professional services to the mining industry internationally. In fact, the acronym MINES stands for “Multinational Integrated Network of Engineers and Scientists”.
Acid rock drainage (ARD) mitigation design
Diversion design
Heap leach pad design
Landslide analysis and mitigation
Mine reclamation planning and design
Open pit stability analysis and design
Permitting assistance
Sediment transport studies and moveable boundary hydraulics
Sediment yield studies (RUSLE)
Solution pond design
Stability analysis
Stream restoration analysis and design
Surface hydrology studies
Tailings dam design

"Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities." —Michele Jennae
Our Expansive Network of Professionals
While the MINES group recently became a wholly owned subsidiary of Geo-Logic Associates (GLA), we remain intact as an entity, with the same basic management. GLA is an employee-owned, multidisciplinary environmental, civil, and geotechnical engineering consulting firm that was established in 1991. GLA has more than 300 professionals in 27 offices in the U.S. and abroad. Engineering News-Record ranks GLA among the Top 500 Design Firms in the U.S. and the Top 200 Environmental Firms, with a total revenue of over $65 million in 2022.
Through similar acquisitions, GLA and its affiliates, Clear Creek Associates, Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Kunkel Engineering Group, Summit Water Resources, and Geo-Logic Peru, provide solutions to challenges for landfills, mines, contaminated sites, municipal projects, natural resources, and water resources.