Pretty things take a little time … For instance, this beautiful rock formation took well over a million years to be what you see today.
We do not plan to take that long to update our website, but it will be pretty. Please check back soon, thank you for your patience.
Our Story
While many companies work from the outside in, taking orders and producing products and services, The MINES Group works from the inside out…has to do with our profession…MINES dig deep, and like the industry we serve, our “Multinational Integrated Network of Engineers and Scientists” (MINES) provides a broad range of quality services to the mining industry.
Most members of the group have at least a couple of decades of professional experience in the industry, and we have all worked together extensively to meet the design and consulting needs required by our clients-both in foreign and domestic locations. New members must be sponsored by at least two existing members who know the person, have worked with them, and are familiar with the quality of work produced by the individual(s). This approach assures an integrated, cost effective, focused, high quality network of professional services available through one source.
Our Mission
Quality is maintained by preserving a high degree of direct principal involvement. All of our projects are led and executed with direct and active participation of principals, with only appropriate support from junior technical staff. As a client, you will get leadership and active involvement from the principals rather than a few cursory or “project management” hours.
Our Vision
The MINES Group provides a centralized location for administrative functions of project teams so that clients will never have to bear the administrative burden of coordinating multiple consultant team members themselves. The MINES Group also utilizes state-of-the-art communication functions including Skype voice-over-internet protocol (VoIP), Microsoft Live Meeting, Internet file transfer over a secure file server, with password-protected, client specific Internet protocols.
Corporate Headquarters:
The Mines Group, Inc.
1325 Airmotive Way, Suite 175U
Reno, Nevada 89502